Become a Sponsors

Our Educational Seminars & Workshops and Social Events are great Opportunities to network with Business Owners and Professionals.

Our Website , Regular Eblast , and social media marketing along with the Special Events provides an amazing tools to connect with the potential customer.
” The SoCHN works to Connect, Unite and Excel for its members thru the Four Pillars of Advocacy, Education, Business Partnerships and Community Alliances.”
- Opportunity to network with hotel Owners & Executives.
- SoCHN offers advocacy and advice on Hospitality related Issues.
- Special Invitation to all educational seminars on industry related topics as Marketing, legislative and governance issues.
- Business Partners will be acknowledged during business events.
- Opportunity to speak to the audience.
- Table top display to showcase your products and Services.
- Business Partner’s Website link will be attached with the frequent Eblast conducted By SoCHN for Members.
- SoCHN’s website will have the direct Link to Vendors website.
- May use SoCHN’s logo and Link to website.(with fee being current).
- Company’s Logo on SoCHN’s digital platforms and other marketing media.
- One time access to the SoCHN membership database